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Displaying 14437 - 14448 of 14818 Results


Welfare Reform at 10: Analyzing Welfare Caseload Fluctuations, 1996-2002 Michael J. New, Ph.D.

Aug 17, 2006 About an hour read


A Secure and Stable Caspian Sea Is in America’s Interest Luke Coffey

Dec 4, 2015 About an hour read


Martin Luther King, Jr., and the American Dream Peter C. Myers, Ph.D.

Mar 28, 2014 About an hour read


From Administrative State to Constitutional Government Joseph Postell, Ph.D.

Dec 14, 2012 Over an hour read


The Education Crisis: Washington Shares the Blame Eileen M.

May 11, 1984 20 min read

Heritage Lecture

Pressure Is a Privilege: Judges, Umpires, and Ignoring the Booing of the Crowd The Honorable James C. Ho

Dec 6, 2023 30 min read


Making American Companies More Competitive Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Sep 25, 2003 32 min read


Providing Security, Fairness, and Efficiency in the ImmigrationDeportation Pr... Michael Scardaville

Jul 21, 2003 27 min read


Comparing Math Scores of Black Students in D.C.'s Public and Catholic Schools Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D.

Oct 7, 1999 29 min read