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Displaying 16417 - 16428 of 17142 Results


Why Catholic Schools Spell Success For America's Inner-CityChildren Nina H. Shokraii

Jun 30, 1997 25 min read


Why Catholic Schools Spell Success For America's Inner-CityChildren Nina H. Shokraii

Jun 30, 1997 25 min read


Churchill: Forging an Alliance for Freedom Allen Packwood

May 11, 2004 32 min read


Information Oversight: Practical Lessons from Foreign Intelligence Joel F. Brenner

Sep 30, 2004 29 min read

Conservative Perspectives

The Good That Markets Do Samuel Gregg, Ph.D.

Feb 21, 2024 38 min read


The Economic Principles of America’s Founders: Property Rights, Free Markets,... Thomas G. West, Ph.D.

Aug 30, 2010 34 min read


The E.C. Social Charter: The New Wave of Re-Regulation in Europe William F. Weld

Mar 31, 1992 33 min read