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Displaying 16453 - 16464 of 39582 Results


Nuclear Test Calls for Active Intolerance of North Korean Regime Mike A. Needham

Oct 9, 2006 5 min read


The Dismal Record on Parental Choice in NCLB

Oct 2, 2006 3 min read

David R. Shedd

David Shedd is the former acting director of the Defense Intelligence Agency


The Army Needs Adequate Funding Baker Spring

Oct 2, 2006 4 min read


Time for the Senate to Act on Iran Sanctions James Phillips

Sep 29, 2006 2 min read


The Life and Legacy of Edwin Meese III
Oct 8, 2019 17 min read


State of the Union 2007: Increasing the Size Of The Army And Marine Corps Mackenzie Eaglen

Jan 23, 2007 2 min read


State of the Union 2007: Fiscal Policy Challenges for Today and Tomorrow Alison Acosta Fraser

Jan 23, 2007 2 min read