Social Security


Social Security

Social Security began running deficits in 2010 and without reforms, Social Security’s permanent and growing deficits will help fuel our spending and debt crisis.

Learn more about policies that put individuals, not government, in control of their savings with Solutions.


Protecting Benefits for the Disabled in Social Security Reform David C. John

Feb 26, 2001 4 min read


Six Rules for Real Social Security Reform David C. John

Feb 6, 2001 4 min read


Women and Social Security Reform The Heritage Foundation

Feb 6, 2001 11 min read


KidSave: An Innovative Step Toward Better Retirement Security David C. John

Oct 27, 2000 4 min read


Railroad Retirement Investment Threatens Social Security Reform David C. John

Oct 4, 2000 4 min read


Switzerland's National Retirement Approach David O. Harris

Jul 14, 2000 10 min read