State Bailouts

State Bailouts

States are putting increasingly more pressure on the federal government to cover for their years of budgetary mismanagement. Such practice prevents them from having to make balanced choices and confront their own budgetary consequences of COVID-19. Now some in Congress have taken up the banner for certain states fiscal ineptitude, putting workers all across America on the hook.



State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems

Adam Michel

Apr 17, 2020 11 min read



The Stimulus Must Not Be Used To Bailout Failing Liberal States: James Otteson

Apr 30, 2020 6 min watch


A Backdoor Central Bank Bailout of State Governments

Joel Griffith

May 4, 2020 4 min read


In Charts, How Big Blue States Outspend Red States

Adam Michel, David Ditch

May 14, 2020 3 min read




"Far-left politicians have held small business owners and workers hostage for weeks trying to secure no-strings-attached dollars to bail out state and local governments that have had budget problems unrelated to the current pandemic. Not only would such a bailout set the stage for future mismanagement, it is not the federal government’s role to use taxpayer dollars to finance states’ ordinary operations or encourage longer shutdown measures than necessary." Heritage President Kay C. James