Listening to Washington policy-makers haggle over the size of
President Bush's proposed tax cut -- $350 billion over the next
decade? $550 billion? $726 billion? -- you would think nothing
matters much beyond the price tag.
Just as important, though, is the type of tax cut they approve. Not
all tax cuts are created equal. The wrong kind will do little to
boost economic growth and create jobs.
Providing a $500 annual "rebate" to every taxpayer in the country,
for instance, would reduce tax revenue significantly. But it
wouldn't help the economy because rebates don't change incentives
to work, save and invest. By contrast, eliminating -- or even
reducing -- the "double taxation" of dividends would encourage more
investment and boost the economy's performance, even though the
amount of tax relief might be small compared to a universal
When designing the tax cut, lawmakers should consider the following
Will it lower the cost of productive
To encourage growth, a tax cut should reduce the tax rate on work,
saving, investment, risk-taking and entrepreneurship. These are the
activities that increase national income. As a rule, credits,
deductions, preferences and exemptions don't help the economy grow
Will it help America compete in the global
It's increasingly easy for jobs and capital to migrate from
high-tax countries like France to ones with relatively low taxes,
such as the United States. The process, known as tax competition,
enhances the rewards for nations with pro-growth tax
Will it encourage job creation?
Companies don't hire workers because they feel sorry for them or
because they have a social conscience. They hire workers in the
expectation of making a profit. High tax rates make labor more
expensive and make it harder to fund the kind of improvements that
boost worker productivity.
Will it reduce the bias against saving and
investment? Between the capital gains tax, the corporate
income tax, the personal income tax and the death tax, we impose up
to four layers of tax on income that is saved and invested.
Reducing or eliminating any of these layers gives entrepreneurs
added incentives to invest in our economy.
Will it move us closer to a flat tax?
Any cut that shifts the tax code closer to a system that taxes
income only once and imposes just one low rate -- with no special
favors -- will benefit the economy.
Under these criteria, three components of the president's tax plan
should be preserved:
- Eliminate the double-tax on dividends.
Taxing dividends only once will make America more competitive and increase investment, making it easier for workers to get good jobs at good wages.
- Put lower tax rates into effect
Some of the tax cuts approved in 2001 don't take effect until 2004 and 2006. This is absurd. The economy needs help today.
- Reduce the "depreciation" tax on small
The tax code treats some business investment expenses as if they were taxable income. The president's plan would help us begin fixing this bizarre bias against new investment.
This short list of reforms doesn't mean that other tax cuts are
misguided. Other elements of the president's tax package make good
sense, such as a reduction in the "marriage penalty," that quirk of
the tax code that forces many married couples to pay more than
unmarried couples. But in a sluggish economy, pro-growth provisions
should come first.
But, some will ask, what about the deficit? This is a legitimate
concern, but pro-growth tax cuts never reduce tax revenues nearly
as much as the critics predict they will. That's because lower tax
rates encourage taxpayers to work more, save more and invest more.
As a result, national income increases and the tax base grows
larger. One example: Tax revenues doubled during the 1980s because
Ronald Reagan's tax cuts triggered an economic boom.
Lawmakers frequently talk of their desire to "stimulate" the
economy. With the right kind of tax cut, they can do a lot more
than that. They can put us on the path to sustainable, long-term
growth. You can't put a price tag on that.
-Daniel Mitchell
is the McKenna senior fellow in political economy at The Heritage
Foundation (, a Washington-based public policy
research institute.