Wealth and Innovation

Wealth and Innovation

Innovation and wealth are the ingredients of prosperity, and it is the innovator and entrepreneur—both large and small—that bring these benefits to life. We all should cherish innovation, productive capital, and the freedom that unleashes innovators and entrepreneurs. Their creations raise our standard of living, make our daily routines more convenient, and enable us to live longer, richer, and more purpose-filled lives.  





The Wealth of Billionaires: Where It Came From, Where It Is, and Why It Matters

May 13, 2024 17 min read


Powering Human Advancement: Why the World Needs Affordable and Reliable Energy

Dec 14, 2023 29 min read




The Heritage Wealth and Innovation Project

The work of innovators and entrepreneurs is the foundation of our prosperity. The freedom to experiment, innovate, and use new discoveries to produce productive assets is essential to this process. These assets—like factory equipment and technological know-how—are the baseplate of all wealth. The generation of this wealth allows us to strengthen and build flourishing families and communities. The Heritage Wealth and Innovation project serves to resolutely defend the work of innovators and entrepreneurs, illuminating how the merger of wealth and innovation benefits all of civilization.