Winfree: Coronavirus Package Passes Targeted, Temporary Test

Winfree: Coronavirus Package Passes Targeted, Temporary Test

Mar 14, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Last night President Trump announced his support for a second coronavirus package that has now been passed through the House of Representatives. Paul Winfree, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, released the following:

Sound policy responses to the coronavirus should be targeted and temporary—tied to addressing the underlying crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and the actual problems facing American families. On the whole, the deal reached by Congress and the administration last night passes this test.


However, we remain concerned that the mandates on American businesses included in this deal will have significant and prolonged consequences for the economy. While the outbreak unfolds, Congress must focus on prioritizing the needs of American families over scoring political points for bailouts and special interest favors.