June 26, 2020 WEBINAR: The Meat Supply During the Pandemic and Beyond
A timely discussion of the issues facing America's meat supply.
Friday, Jun 26, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Hosted by
Due to worker illnesses and even deaths related to COVID-19, there has been a bottleneck at meat processing plants that has reduced the supply of meat and poultry. Fortunately, these problems appear to be easing, but the situation remains fluid. As a result of these supply problems, there has been significant attention placed on the nature of the meat processing industry and the regulatory barriers imposed by federal meat inspection requirements that make it more difficult to sell meat. What is the current status of the meat supply, and what has been the practical impact of the bottleneck on farmers, processors, and consumers? What kind of meat-inspection reforms are being proposed? Would they make an impact on the meat supply and do they properly consider food safety and consumer interests? Join us as our experts discuss these timely issues.
Heritage convened the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission to make recommendations for state and local governments, the Trump administration, Congress, and the private sector. Learn more at CoronavirusCommission.com.
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