National Coronavirus Recovery Commission News Archive

National Coronavirus Recovery Commission News Archive

Our country is facing one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime. The lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans are now at stake from an invisible enemy: the coronavirus and COVID-19.

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, is bringing together some of the nation’s top experts and thinkers to offer their specialized experience and expertise to chart the path ahead.

Our mission is to save both lives and livelihoods, helping to navigate our nation through this crisis and toward recovery. Specifically, we will address when and how to begin to get Americans’ lives “back to normal” again.

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission will provide the American people and their policymakers with a set of recommendations for how to make this happen. The commission will be weighing what comes next and how to move prudently toward recovery.

On April 9, 2020, the commission adopted a five-phase plan to reopen America and combat the novel coronavirus. The phases and recommendations that accompany them detail the “all of society” approach that this requires, recognizing that decisions to reopen the American economy must proceed expeditiously and that our recovery over the months to come cannot follow a national or top-down approach.

Success requires coordination among the federal government, state and local governments, the private sector, and civil society.

The challenge at hand is a public health crisis with unprecedented implications. At this point in the progression of COVID-19, good public health policy is good economic policy: Americans’ lives will rebound when the American people are healthy and confident in the public health response.

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