Balancing the Budget


Balancing the Budget

Congress needs to drive down government spending to achieve a balanced budget. It can happen by reforming entitlement programs, maintaining a strong national defense, and without raising taxes.


Blueprint for Balance: A Federal Budget for Fiscal Year 2018

Romina Boccia, Rachel Greszler, Justin Bogie, Ryan Anderson, David Azerrad, Daren Bakst, Lindsey Burke, PhD, David R. Burton, Drew Gonshorowski, David Inserra, Melanie Israel, Justin T. Johnson, Diane Katz, Nicolas Loris, Mollie McNeill, Norbert Michel, Robert E. Moffit, PhD, David Muhlhausen, Nina Owcharenko Schaefer, Robert Rector, Bryan Riley, James M. Roberts, Michael Sargent, Brett D. Schaefer, Alyene Senger, Rachel Sheffield, James Sherk, Thomas Spoehr, Katie Tubb, Hans von Spakovsky, Tori K. Smith

Mar 28, 2017 Over an hour read


Washington’s Spending Problem

Feb 12, 2016 2 min watch




What You Need to Know About the National Debt in 2 Charts

Romina Boccia

Oct 23, 2016 3 min read




While Congress cannot solve everything at once, it can and must take opportunities through the annual budget and appropriations process to make a down payment of putting the government’s finances back in order. They can do this by immediately reducing discretionary spending and taking meaningful steps to reduce mandatory spending by reforming those programs.