Big Tech


Big Tech

Every American should be concerned about Big Tech’s willingness to shut off direct access to digital information, their demonstrated pattern of information manipulation, and their impact on America’s culture of free speech. 


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House Telecom Rewrite Needs a Rewrite James L. Gattuso

Sep 23, 2005 4 min read


Internet File Sharing: The Evidence So Far and What It Means for the Future Norbert J. Michel, Ph.D.

Aug 23, 2004 12 min read


Are U.S. Telecom Networks Public Property?

Apr 8, 2004 8 min read


Bundles of Trouble: The FCC's Telephone Competition Rules James L. Gattuso

Feb 24, 2004 3 min read


The Economic Impact of Taxing Internet Access

Feb 11, 2004 6 min read


The Internet: Why the Taxman Should Not Cometh James L. Gattuso

Nov 7, 2003 3 min read