Emma Waters

Emma Waters

Policy Analyst, Tech Policy Center

Areas of Expertise

  • Big Tech
  • Life
  • Marriage and Family

Emma is a Policy Analyst in the Tech Policy Center at The Heritage Foundation.

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Emma Waters is a Policy Analyst in the Tech Policy Center at The Heritage Foundation. Her work focuses on family, biotechnology, and reproductive medicine

Waters is a former Visiting Fellow with Independent Women’s Forum and a monthly contributor with World magazine.

Prior to this, she worked as the Coalitions Manager of American Moment and periodically cohosted their podcast, Moment of Truth. Previously, she worked as a Research Intern with the Institute for Family Studies and a Research Consultant for the Realignment Podcast. In 2021, she won the American Enterprise Institutes’ Young Scholars Award where she wrote and published an in-depth paper on child support policy in the state of Tennessee, including qualitative interviews with 25 nonresident fathers. 

Her work may be found in First Things, Washington Post, Fox News, Newsweek, World Magazine, RealClear Policy, RealClear Health, The Federalist, the Institute for Family Studies, The Gospel Coalition, Problematic Women podcast, The American Conservative, The American Mind, The Daily Signal, and moreShe graduated Valedictorian of Lee University with a double major in Political Science and Biblical & Theological Studies. You can find her on Twitter @emlwaters.