Global Politics


Global Politics

America needs international institutions, alliances, and a multilateral diplomacy worthy of a great power that is dedicated to the advancement of freedom and security.


Learn more about policies to protect U.S. interests globally with Solutions and Mandate for Leadership.


Find everything you need to know about America’s work with international organizations here.


Trade on Trial: NAFTA In the Dock Marshall J. Breger

Jul 12, 1993 6 min read


While In Tokyo and Seoul, Clinton Must Assert American Leadership In Asia Richard D. Fisher

Jun 30, 1993 Over an hour read


North Korea's Nuclear Threat: A Test for Bill Clinton Richard D. Fisher

Mar 23, 1993 6 min read


How to Expand World Trade to Spur U.S. Economic Growth Bryan T. Johnson

Dec 30, 1992 15 min read


Averting a Failure of U.N. Peacekeeping in Cambodia Richard D. Fisher

Dec 15, 1992 7 min read


Expanding United Nations PeaceKeeping Role Poses Risk for America Andrew J. Cowin

Oct 13, 1992 30 min read


U.N. Report Backtracks on Link Between Freedom and Development Andrew J. Cowin

May 13, 1992 7 min read