December 10, 2018 The Moral Case for a Free Economy
Part of the speakers series "Free Markets: The Ethical Economic Choice"
Monday, Dec 10, 2018
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Hosted by
Rev. Robert Sirico will recount his own moral, intellectual and spiritual development. Animated by a strong sense of social justice, he began a well-intentioned but ill-conceived career in leftist activism. A serious grappling with the classics of economics lead him to reevaluate his ultimate commitments. In meditating on the nature of the human person, choice and action in society, he began to return to the Catholicism of his youth to discover the moral foundation of a flourishing society.
Rev. Robert Sirico challenges the popular political presumption that increased government intervention and welfare programs are the most moral approach to helping the poor. In his lecture, “The Moral Case for a Free Economy,” he argues that a dynamic free market, based on voluntary association and freedom from unnecessary regulation, is the best way not only to help the poor but to meet society’s needs as a whole. The free market best supports the God-given creative nature of the human person.
For a complete list of speakers, topics, and dates of the Free Markets: The Ethical Economic Choice speaker series visit
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