Heritage Expert: Latest Omnibus Deal a Letdown for the American People

Heritage Expert: Latest Omnibus Deal a Letdown for the American People

Feb 14, 2019 1 min read

Tonight, less than 24 hours after legislative text was released, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a nearly 1,200 page omnibus spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. Heritage senior policy analyst, Justin Bogie released the following response:


“The American people deserve budgets that take the fiscal future of our country seriously. Congress has once again delivered a bloated spending bill that fails to reduce wasteful spending, even as our national debt has just crossed over the once-unthinkable $22 trillion mark.


“With weeks to negotiate since the last shut down, it is unfortunate to see a last-minute rush to pass a bill that does nothing to curtail Congress’ reckless spending habits. Lawmakers must get serious about following the budget process that’s already in place and stop this dysfunction. American taxpayers cannot afford another year of irresponsible spending and budget uncertainty.”


More from The Heritage Foundation here: https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/02/14/whats-good-bad-and-ok-in-the-omnibus-bill/