Heritage Applauds Trump Administration on Implementing Historic Cuba Sanctions

Heritage Applauds Trump Administration on Implementing Historic Cuba Sanctions

Mar 4, 2019 1 min read

Washington, D.C. -- Ana Quintana, Heritage senior policy analyst for Latin America, and James Carafano, Heritage vice president for national security and foreign policy, responded Monday to the White House’s historic enforcement of Cuba sanctions:

“Today the Trump administration took a historic step in implementing Cuba sanctions. U.S. citizens can now sue Cuban regime companies for trafficking in stolen American property. For the next 30 days, Americans can bring legal action against 205 companies that are owned and operated by the Cuban military, intelligence, and security services. These recent actions are in response to the Cuban regime’s continued human rights abuses and destabilizing role in Venezuela.


“Nearly 6,000 Americans and U.S. entities had their property and assets – worth an estimated value of nearly $8 billion – seized during Fidel Castro’s revolution. The Castro regime’s confiscation of Cuban-American assets is believed to be even higher.”


Quintana: “With this action, the Trump administration has dealt a blow to Cuba’s police state that empowers and protects Venezuelan Pres. Nicolas Maduro. Havana has aided Maduro’s destruction of Venezuela and should be held accountable. Ultimately, if U.S. partners and allies want to successfully address the Maduro regime, they must also amplify efforts against Cuba.”


Carafano: “Since the Cuba sanctions were codified into law in 1996, U.S. administrations have refused to implement this component of the law. Today, the Trump administration took an encouraging step in allowing Americans to seek justice for their stolen property. More broadly, it also reinforces the U.S.’ efforts on Venezuela.”