May 9, 2019 Justice vs. Social Justice
Part of the speakers series "Free Markets: The Ethical Economic Choice"
Thursday, May 9, 2019
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Hosted by
Adam Smith, sometimes considered the founding father of capitalism, offered a 'thin' conception of justice — primarily protection from injury from others. Many critics, however, believe that justice should encompass much more, including positive duties to help those in need. Are there any good reasons to support a Smithian 'thin' conception of justice? Can a system of political economy based on such a conception be considered moral? In other words, do markets and morality mix?
For a complete list of speakers, topics, and dates of the Free Markets: The Ethical Economic Choice speaker series visit
COMMENTARY 3 min read
COMMENTARY 2 min read
COMMENTARY 2 min read