Heritage Tax Expert on Passage of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Heritage Tax Expert on Passage of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Nov 16, 2017 1 min read

Heritage Foundation tax expert Adam Michel had the following to say this afternoon after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017:

“The tax reform bill passed by the House today will provide significant tax relief for many American families – it is pro-worker and will lead to greater economic growth. While the bill is a positive start, there are many areas where the plan can be improved to unleash additional economic growth. Making expensing permanent, fully eliminating the property tax deduction, eliminating the additional fourth tax bracket, and limiting the scope of the new international minimum taxes are good places to start. There is still much work to do and Congress should seize on every opportunity to improve the current tax plan to further enhance the proposed reforms’ benefits for all Americans.”