Heritage President Kay Coles James Comments on Washington’s Out-of-Control Spending

Heritage President Kay Coles James Comments on Washington’s Out-of-Control Spending

Aug 1, 2019 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James released the following statement after the Senate’s passage of a budget deal:

President Trump’s pro-growth agenda brought our economy back to life, creating opportunities for all Americans, especially lower-wage workers. Instead of capitalizing on this historic growth and using it as a chance to rein in out-of-control spending and balance the budget, Washington continues to swipe the national credit card and stick future generations with the bill.

While the budget deal headed to the president’s desk provides critical funding for America’s national defense, it fails to cut billions of dollars in waste, spends too much on programs that aren’t priorities, and effectively kills one of the few remaining mechanisms to curb unsustainable federal spending. We can and should do better.