Heritage President Kay C. James Statement on Heritage Action

Heritage President Kay C. James Statement on Heritage Action

Feb 19, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON — Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James made the following statement about Heritage Action Executive Director Tim Chapman, who announced he will take a new role as executive director of Stand For America, an issue advocacy group founded by former Ambassador Nikki Haley.

“Tim Chapman has been an indispensable leader in the conservative movement for many years, including over a decade of service for The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America. I congratulate Tim as he moves into a new and exciting role alongside Ambassador Nikki Haley. While I’m sad to see Tim leave Heritage Action, I know that we will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder to grow the conservative movement and build an America that we are proud to pass down to future generations.”


The Heritage Foundation founded Heritage Action with the goal of creating an organization that can take meaningful action to hold members of Congress accountable. Heritage Action applies direct pressure to lawmakers so Washington is compelled to adopt conservative policies, and coordinates a grassroots network of conservative citizens to apply additional pressure from constituents.

Since its creation in 2010, Heritage Action has helped turn The Heritage Foundation’s conservative ideas into reality on Capitol Hill. Through a combination of inside-the-Beltway lobbying with outside-the-Beltway grassroots pressure, Heritage Action helps hold lawmakers accountable to their promises of advancing The Heritage Foundation’s conservative principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Working in tandem with The Heritage Foundation, Heritage Action has played a leading role to advance health care choices, led the fight for tax cuts, and supported the confirmations of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.