Heritage Expert Reacts to Supreme Court Taking Obamacare Case

Heritage Expert Reacts to Supreme Court Taking Obamacare Case

Mar 2, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Marie Fishpaw, the director of domestic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation, responded to the Supreme Court's decision to hear a case that challenges Obamacare:

"The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to hear this case reminds us that Obamacare is deeply flawed legally and that it has not delivered on its policy promises to the American people. Americans deserve better than the high costs, restricted choices and narrow networks of doctors and hospitals that are this law’s legacy. No matter what the Supreme Court ultimately does in this case, it is clear that Obamacare has failed. Americans deserve the greatest health care in the world. More government control over health care, like the dangerous ‘Medicare for All’ proposal, is not the answer. Americans need a plan that offers greater access to lower cost, high quality health care that protects people with preexisting conditions. The Heritage Foundation and more than 100 policy influencers across the country have that plan: the Health Care Choices Proposal."