Heritage Foundation President Releases Coronavirus PSA

Heritage Foundation President Releases Coronavirus PSA

Apr 29, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—From New York to Virginia to California, data show that the coronavirus has disproportionately impacted minority communities. Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James, chairman of the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, today released a public service announcement encouraging common-sense health and safety measures.

“Despite some minority communities’ frustration or past experiences that may lead to a mistrust of those in government, I want to encourage folks to still take proper precautions during this time of uncertainty,” James said. “Protecting our communities and our loved ones starts with steps we can take as individuals to stay healthy.

“While all Americans benefit from reminders to avoid exposure to the coronavirus and to seek care if necessary, the data shows that black communities are especially at risk of a disproportionate impact from the coronavirus. That’s why I feel that this public service announcement that reaches out specifically to the black community is so important.

“I’m hopeful that our nation will conquer this disease and that together, all Americans will emerge from this chapter in our history stronger than before.”

The Heritage Foundation’s National Coronavirus Recovery Commission recently released a set of 47 recommendations to save lives and livelihoods in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. While governments at every level have critical roles to play, so too do businesses, churches, and civil society.

For example, the commission recommends increased outreach and education to minority communities in partnership with grassroots and civil society organizations because of the disproportionate effect of this virus on those groups. The commission’s next meeting and subsequent recommendations release takes place on May 5.

“The leaders we’ve brought together on the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission recognize that public education will play a critical role by encouraging people to protect their loved ones rather than exposing them to infection,” said Rob Bluey, commission spokesman. “Americans must continue to be vigilant as our states begin the process of reopening. That’s why we are embarking on this public education campaign to ensure Kay James’ message reaches as many Americans as possible to keep them healthy and safe.”

Heritage and the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission are making the audio and video PSAs available for media outlets and other organizations. They are available at the links below.

Audio: https://bit.ly/2W9r1Ej

Video: https://bit.ly/2KPoo57