National Coronavirus Recovery Commission to Present Recommendations for Reopening America at Digital Town Hall

National Coronavirus Recovery Commission to Present Recommendations for Reopening America at Digital Town Hall

May 6, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission is partnering with the Leadership Institute for a digital town hall Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET to present the commission’s latest recommendations and take questions from participants.

Former Virginia Gov. George Allen, a member of the commission, will join Executive Director Charmaine Yoest, a vice president at The Heritage Foundation, for Wednesday’s presentation. Commission spokesman Rob Bluey, a Heritage vice president, will moderate the discussion.

Members of the public and media are invited to attend. Register for the digital town hall at

“Americans are confronting one of the greatest challenges of their lifetime and they are seeking answers for how we navigate through this crisis and toward recovery,” Bluey said. “The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission has gathered recommendations from experts and the general public to help guide policymakers on the path forward. Today’s digital town hall is a great opportunity for the American people to make sure their ideas are heard and considered by the commission.”

The commission’s recommendations will serve as a guide for governors, local leaders, federal officials, and the private sector with the steps necessary to reopen America. The commission has now put forward 179 recommendations that achieve a prudent balance to protect both lives and livelihoods.

The commission held its third meeting Tuesday, bringing together 17 top experts and thinkers with experience in government, public health, disaster response and relief, academia and education, business, and the faith community.

The newest recommendations focus on the importance of continuing to build the science to combat COVID-19 and establishing U.S. leadership to drive the free world in economic recovery. They were developed by the commissioners in consultation with Heritage Foundation scholars and leading policy experts. Hundreds of Americans submitted their own ideas at

The recommendations cover the first four phases of the commission’s previously announced five-phase approach to recovery. The first set of recommendations was released April 20 and delivered to the nation’s governors, the Trump administration, members of Congress, local officials, and civil society leaders.

The full list of 179 recommendations, organized by the sectors of government and society, can be found at

For media inquiries or to schedule an interview, contact Gloria Taylor at [email protected].