Heritage President Joins Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s Podcast ‘Hold These Truths’

Heritage President Joins Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s Podcast ‘Hold These Truths’

May 8, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James joined Rep. Dan Crenshaw's podcast “Hold These Truths” to unpack the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission's 179 recommendations to safely reopen America.

The two discussed the commission’s approach of tackling both the priority of health safety and economic recovery.

“In order for this thing to work, we as individuals have to take responsibility for our own health,” James said. “Government can’t and shouldn’t be in a position to ‘force’ us to wash our hands, to ‘force’ us to wear masks, ‘force’ us to social distance. But if we accept personal responsibility and do those things on our own, we can see that we can get this country up and running again far quicker.”

Listen to the whole episode below.

The full list of 179 recommendations, organized by the sectors  of government and society, can be found here.

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission is a project of The Heritage Foundation. It brings together 17 top experts and thinkers with experience in government, public health, disaster response and relief, academia and education, business, and the faith community.