National Coronavirus Recovery Commission Releases Final Report

National Coronavirus Recovery Commission Releases Final Report

Jun 15, 2020 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission today unveiled its final report, offering a path to recovery with specific, actionable recommendations for policymakers and the American people.  

The final report comes as states and local communities are beginning a phased reopening across America. The coronavirus has claimed over 115,000 American lives, millions of jobs, and thousands of businesses. 

Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the White House Coronavirus Task Force, personally thanked National Coronavirus Recovery Commission Chairman Kay C. James for the commission’s work during a call Monday. 

A project of The Heritage Foundation, the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission recommends an all-of-society approach to America’s recovery, recognizing that good public health policy is good economic policy. 

“From the moment the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission began its work in early April, we have pursued solutions that focus on saving both lives and livelihoods,” said James, president of The Heritage Foundation. “Our recommendations are designed to help governors, local leaders, federal officials, and the American people make the best decisions possible as our country recovers from one of the most significant health and economic crises it has ever faced. This report offers a measure of hope for the great things already happening in America and serves as a guide to prepare for future pandemics.” 

The commission’s final report includes 265 recommendations for government leaders at every level, the private sector, and civil society to move America prudently toward recovery.    

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission developed the final report  17 Commissioners who are top experts and thinkers from government, public health, disaster response and relief, academia and education, business, and the faith community. The report also includes ideas from hundreds of Americans across the country who submitted their comments and stories to the commission. 

“The work of the commission doesn’t end with the publication of this report,” James said. “Our commissioners and Heritage Foundation experts will continue working with policymakers in Washington and across the country to implement these recommendations.” 

The final report, including the 265 recommendations, is available here.

For media inquiries or to schedule an interview, contact Gloria Taylor at [email protected]