Heritage Legal Scholar Congratulates Trump Administration on 200th Judicial Appointment

Heritage Legal Scholar Congratulates Trump Administration on 200th Judicial Appointment

Jun 24, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Cory Wilson to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, making him the Trump Administration’s 200th judicial appointment. John Malcolm, Vice President of The Heritage Foundation’s Institute for Constitutional Government and Senior Legal Fellow, released the below statement following the historic milestone.

“One of the president’s most important duties is to nominate highly qualified men and women with sterling credentials and a demonstrated fidelity to the Constitution to the federal bench. Confirming 200 judicial appointments, including two Supreme Court Justices, and filling all pending vacancies on the federal courts of appeal, is a remarkable achievement and a fulfillment of a key promise President Trump made to the American people. What makes it all the more remarkable is the fact that the Trump Administration and Senate Republicans have done so in the face of unprecedented opposition. These appointments will have a lasting impact on the direction of the law, our lives, and the lives of our children and grandchildren for decades to come.”

The Heritage Foundation maintains a one-of-its-kind Judicial Appointment Tracker that provides current and comparative data from the Trump Administration and previous administrations regarding key steps in the process for appointing judges to the federal bench. Learn more about the Judicial Tracker, HERE.