Heritage Foundation: Swiftly Confirm Chad Wolf As Secretary of Homeland Security

Heritage Foundation: Swiftly Confirm Chad Wolf As Secretary of Homeland Security

Aug 25, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James and James Carafano, Heritage vice president for national security and foreign policy, released the following response Tuesday to President Trump’s announcement that he intends to nominate Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf to be the new secretary of the department: 

“Americans deserve leaders who are committed to keeping the country safe and protecting their rights and freedoms from all enemies, foreign and increasingly as of late, domestic. As acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf has done exactly that, and the Senate should rapidly confirm him once nominated. 


“With capable and committed leaders like Wolf, Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, and Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan, President Trump has a team at DHS devoted to executing his policy agenda – an agenda focused on securing America’s borders, defending the homeland, and restoring Americans’ confidence in the rule of law. At a time when violent radicals are setting fire to America’s cities and attempting to upend every traditional American value, this type of unified leadership is more important than ever. Wolf is the leader for just such an hour. 


“More remains to be done in restoring faith in government and our laws. For example, the administration still needs to move on ending birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants, a move which the president, in coordination with DHS, could accomplish with the stroke of a pen. Ultimately, however, this administration has undone a great deal of damage wrought by those who came before, and with strong leaders like Chad Wolf, will continue to advance a pro-freedom policy agenda.”