Indexes & Rankings


Indexes & Rankings

Index, ranks, or scores for nations based on data across specific indicators

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Data Projects:

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom
The Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom covers 12 freedoms—from property rights to financial freedom—in 186 countries. Each freedom is graded on a scale of 0 to 100 and a country’s overall score is derived by averaging all 12 freedoms. 2021 Index is available.

Lowy Institute Asia Power Index
Lowy’s Asia Power Index measures resources and influence to rank the relative power of states in Asia. The project maps out the existing distribution of power as it stands today, and tracks shifts in the balance of power over time. 2020 Index available.

Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
The Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index visualizes the diplomatic networks of 61 G20, OECD and Asian countries and territories. It ranks each country in terms of its diplomatic network against other G20, OECD and Asian players. 2019 Index available.

Freedom House Global Freedom Scores
Freedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. 2020 scores are available.

Freedom House Internet Freedom Scores
Freedom House assesses the level of internet freedom in 65 countries around the world through its annual Freedom on the Net report. 2020 scores are available.

Defense News Top 100
The Defense News annual ranking of the largest global defense companies shaping militaries around the world. 2020 rankings are available.

Belfer National Cyber Power Index
Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center’s National Cyber Power Index (NCPI) measures 30 countries’ cyber capabilities in the context of seven national objectives, using 32 intent indicators and 27 capability indicators with evidence collected from publicly available data. 2020 NCPI available.

Transparency International: Corruption Perceptions Index
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index scores and ranks countries/territories based on how corrupt a country’s public sector is perceived to be by experts and business executives. It is a composite index, a combination of 13 surveys and assessments of corruption, collected by a variety of reputable institutions.

Transparency International Defence & Security: Defence Companies Index
Transparency International Defence & Security’s Defence Companies Index assesses the levels of public commitment to anti-corruption and transparency in the corporate policies and procedures of 134 of the world’s largest defense companies. The 2020 Index is available.

The Fund for Peace: Fragile States Index
The Fund for Peace (FFP)’s Fragile States Index is based on a conflict assessment framework – known as “CAST” – that was developed by FFP nearly a quarter-century ago for assessing the vulnerability of states to collapse. The CAST framework was designed to measure this vulnerability in pre-conflict, active conflict and post-conflict situations, and continues to be used widely by policy makers, field practitioners, and local community networks. They also have a Country Dashboard.

The Political Terror Scale
The Political Terror Scale (PTS) project was started by Michael Stohl and several graduate students at Purdue University in the early 1980s, essentially as a way of empirically testing whether U.S. foreign aid was being sent to countries that violated international human rights standards, thereby being in violation of federal law. The five-level coding scheme employed by the PTS was taken directly from the 1980 Freedom House Yearbook and it has been used ever since.

Cato Institute: Arms Sales Risk Index 
Cato Institute’s Arm Sales Risk Index provides a way to measure the risk involved with selling arms to another nation by identifying the factors linked to negative outcomes of arms sales, such as dispersion, diversion, and the misuse of weapons by recipients. The 2020 Index is available.

Cato Institute and Fraser Institute: Human Freedom Index
Cato Institute and Fraser Institute’s Human Freedom Index presents a broad measure of human freedom, understood as the absence of coercive constraint using 76 distinct indicators of personal and economic freedom. The 2020 Index is available.

Tortoise Media: The Global AI Index 
Tortoise’s Global AI Index ranks 62 countries based on capacity for artificial intelligence, specifically by measuring levels of investment, innovation, and implementation. The Global AI Index uses 143 indicators split across seven sub-pillars. 

Environmental Performance Index 
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a joint project of the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy’s Environmental and The Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. The EPI provides data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world using 32 performance indicators across 11 issue categories for 180 countries. The 2020 Index is available.