Heritage President Thanks Sec. Betsy DeVos for Service as Education Secretary

Heritage President Thanks Sec. Betsy DeVos for Service as Education Secretary

Jan 8, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON — Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James made the following statement about Betsy DeVos’ service as secretary of the Department of Education:

“Betsy DeVos was one of the most consequential education secretaries since the department was established in 1979. Her visionary leadership and independent, innovative thinking will benefit America’s children, and indeed our entire society, far into the future.

“Not beholden to the education establishment and teachers unions, Betsy was clear from the beginning that she was the secretary of education, not just traditional public education. Her broader view of education – that learning can happen in many different settings like charter schools, private schools, homeschool and even online – was prescient as the entire world had to rethink education in 2020 as schools shut their doors due to the pandemic. She was also an advocate of school choice and of putting education decision-making where it belongs: at the state and community levels, but most importantly, at the family level.

“My friend Betsy was a champion of campus free speech, religious liberty and due process as secretary. College campuses, which had become islands of intolerance and inquisition for a generation or more, were finally called to account, and students will be freer because of Betsy’s work on their behalf.

“Through their family foundation, Betsy and her husband Dick have been longtime supporters of The Heritage Foundation, ensuring that the conservative principles that give people the opportunity to live the American dream are preserved for all Americans.

“I applaud Betsy for her great success as education secretary and wish her all the best.”