The Heritage Foundation Supports the Promise to America’s Children

The Heritage Foundation Supports the Promise to America’s Children

Feb 22, 2021 2 min read

WASHINGTON, D.C. –The Heritage Foundation is proud to announce its support for the Promise to America’s Children, a 10-point pledge supporting the protection of children’s minds, bodies and relationships with their parents.

Created by Heritage along with Alliance Defending Freedom and Family Policy Alliance, the Promise to America’s Children has been endorsed by more than 45 national, state and grassroots organizations.

Those include the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical and Dental Association, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Concerned Women for America, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Family Research Council, Moms for America, and American Principles Project among others.

Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James wrote of the Promise:

“Imagine an America where protecting every child from the very beginning of his or her life is our first priority, and is reflected in both law and culture. I can. And I am hopeful that we will get there by uniting around the fundamental responsibility of each generation to create a world where children flourish in mind, body, and spirit. Protecting children also means protecting their parents’ rights to raise them without being unjustly threatened by intrusive government or malign cultural influences. That is why I am signing the Promise to America’s Children on behalf of the Heritage Foundation. I urge everyone who believes that America's tomorrow depends on what our children experience today to join me in signing the Promise.”

The pledge commits to protecting children in the following ways:

  • Preventing children from being exposed to or used in pornography and making school curriculums free of graphic sexual content.
  • Preserving children’s right to free speech, especially refusing to affirm messages that violate their beliefs or conscience.
  • Supporting children and their families to make the healthiest decisions for treatment of gender dysphoria.
  • Protecting the safety and privacy of children in sex-specific areas such as showers and locker rooms.
  • Upholding fairness and safety in sports by ensuring they are based on biology.
  • Making sure parents have the opportunity to be informed and involved in their children’s important life decisions.

“America’s children are increasingly exposed to adult themes and sexual images at younger and younger ages,” says Emilie Kao, director for Heritage’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society.

“It’s not just entertainment and broader culture. Too many government initiatives push graphic information about sex and abortion and promote destructive ideas about gender identity. Cementing gender ideology into law through the Equality Act will endanger children’s physical, emotional, and mental health as well as undermine parental rights.”

Read and sign the Promise to America’s Children here.

As the nation’s largest, most broadly supported conservative research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation has been leading the American conservative movement since our founding in 1973. More than 500,000 dues-paying members support our vision to build an America where freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and civil society flourish.