Heritage Legal Scholar Reacts to Appeals Court Ruling on Travel Order

Heritage Legal Scholar Reacts to Appeals Court Ruling on Travel Order

Feb 15, 2018

Earlier today the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that President Trump’s travel order is unconstitutional. John Malcolm, Vice President of the Institute for Constitutional Government at The Heritage Foundation, reacted to the ruling:

“Today’s ruling by the 4th Circuit has undermined the president’s ability to protect our homeland and make sensitive national security decisions. A majority of that court unwisely struck down the latest iteration of the so-called “Travel Ban” by relying not on highly-classified information to which the president is privy and the court is not, but on the president’s tweets. The Supreme Court has already agreed to hear oral argument in the case in April and has entered an order stating that the ban should be fully enforced until it decides the merits of the issue.”