Heritage Foundation President: Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling Emphasizes Why Congress Must Provide Better Health Reform

Heritage Foundation President: Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling Emphasizes Why Congress Must Provide Better Health Reform

Jun 17, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON –The United States Supreme Court today ruled in California v. Texas that Obamacare’s individual mandate can stand. This has no immediate practical effect on Americans, as Congress previously eliminated the penalties that Americans had faced if they failed to buy approved coverage under Obamacare.

Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James released the below statement in response to the Court’s ruling: 

“Today’s ruling reminds us that Congress needs to return to health reform. Many Americans still need relief from the rising health care costs and shrinking coverage options that have resulted from the Affordable Care Act. Heritage’s new data tool shows that across the country, conditions in the individual insurance market have worsened dramatically after Obamacare’s passage—all while sending bigger taxpayer checks to insurance companies that have little incentive to lower prices. 

“It’s time for lawmakers to step up and pass reforms that make health care work for patients instead of Washington bureaucrats and special interest groups. The Health Care Choices Proposal would do this while also protecting those with pre-existing conditions. We can protect Americans and improve their health care options without settling for the failures that are part of Obamacare’s flawed design.”

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