Heritage President Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision to Protect First Amendment, Freedom of Association

Heritage President Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision to Protect First Amendment, Freedom of Association

Jul 1, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the state of California’s unconstitutional policy forcing nonprofits to reveal the names of their donors. The court sided with Americans for Prosperity and the Thomas More Law Center, arguing that the California law violated their members’ right to freely associate.   
Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James released the below statement following the court’s decision:  

“The Supreme Court handed down a victory for the First Amendment and the freedom of association by striking down a draconian California policy that forced nonprofits to disclose their donors’ names and private information. The court rightly recognized that the freedom of association protects Americans’ right to meet in private for the exchange and discussion of ideas without fear of retribution or intimidation. In an age of cancel culture—where anyone who publicly expresses views challenging radical, far-left ideas also risks losing his job, expulsion from school, harassment, and even death threats—this opinion is as much a victory for freedom as it is a rebuke to the woke mob.”  

For more in-depth legal insight about cases before the Supreme Court, listen to the SCOTUS 101 Podcast.