Doubling the Size of the IRS While Potentially Sacrificing Financial Privacy

How Biden’s Budget Busting Reconciliation Hurts the Economy, Families and Individuals

Doubling the Size of the IRS While Potentially Sacrificing Financial Privacy

  • The bill would give the Internal Revenue Service a lump-sum payment of $79 billion—in effect, a slush fund six times the IRS’s entire annual budget. 
  • There simply is no plausible way for the scandalridden and union-dominated agency to absorb so much extra funding and power while avoiding waste, fraud, and abuse. 
  • This slush fund raises the risk of a return to a politicized IRS
  • To be clear, everyone should pay the taxes that he or she legally owes, but the best way to encourage compliance is to simplify the tax code and reduce the tax burden. 
