China Uncovered: The Shrinking Landscape for NGOs in China


China Uncovered: The Shrinking Landscape for NGOs in China

Sep 27, 2021 1 min read

Commentary By

Olivia Enos @OliviaEnos

Former Senior Policy Analyst, Asian Studies Center

Jessica Batke

Senior Editor at ChinaFile

SimpleImages/Getty Images

Olivia Enos interviews Jessica Batke on ChinaFile's China NGO Project and the current landscape for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in China. Jessica Batke is a Senior Editor at ChinaFile.

Check out The Heritage Foundation's annual China Transparency Report, highlighting the work of experts all across the world who are dedicated to helping us better understand the aims and activities of the CCP, as well as the China Transparency Project website.

Find more "China Uncovered" episodes here.

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