Heritage President Kevin Roberts Talks Election Integrity, Vision for Heritage on Network News Shows

Heritage President Kevin Roberts Talks Election Integrity, Vision for Heritage on Network News Shows

Dec 16, 2021 8 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts joined high-profile cable news shows this week to talk about Heritage’s impact on pressing policy issues and his vision for Heritage as an active participant in the states in the weeks and months to come. 

On Newsmax’s “Spicer & Company” Wednesday, Roberts, along with renowned elections expert and Heritage senior fellow Hans von Spakovsky, praised Heritage’s new Election Integrity Scorecard as a vital tool that will help states improve and strengthen their election laws, and restore confidence in our electoral process:

“We set out to do this, becausewe as a movement and as a country have been trying to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. What this report does, what this scorecard does, is give Americans unbiased information of election laws that exist in all 50 states. It leads us to what we want to happen. Either those states that have election laws that could use some improvement need to see their legislatures convene and improve them, or, as is the case in a couple of the states that are in the top 10 or 20where the laws are good but there are still problems with electionsthat is identifying a problem with enforcement. Either by putting pressure on the legislature or pressure on election officers, we’re hopeful this product leads to even greater improvements in election integrity.”

WATCH: Make It Easier to Vote, Harder to Cheat | Kevin Roberts on Election Integrity, Dec. 15, 2021

Roberts also joined Just the News’ John Solomon on Tuesday to talk about his bold vision for Heritage and how under his leadership, “tomorrow’s Heritage” is going to engage with Americans across this country in ways we never have before:

Tomorrows Heritage is one that, while we'll always be headquartered in D.C., were going to spend a lot less time worried about what's happening in D.C. We are always going to be the beachhead behind enemy lines for the conservative movement. In other words, our friends at the state and local level, who are doing such great work cultivating the future of conservatism, know that when their reforms get to the point where they need federal action, The Heritage Foundation will be leading the efforts here in D.C. But the second point, John, is that Heritage—as it has already begun to do—is going to be very active in state legislatures next year. Were going to be working on immigration reform.Were going to be involved in every school choice effort in any state that is looking at universal school choice. Were going to clean up election laws. Obviously, Heritage has played a key role in that in 2021. That's just a sample of what were going to be doing. But tomorrows Heritage is one that looks a lot like America rather than nations capital.

WATCH: Tomorrow’s Heritage Will Look Like America, Not Washington | Kevin Roberts, Dec. 14, 2021