Daily Signal Announces New Additions to Reporting Team

Daily Signal Announces New Additions to Reporting Team

Sep 15, 2022 3 min read

WASHINGTON—The Daily Signal, the media arm of The Heritage Foundation, announced today the addition of two new journalists to the team—Tyler O’Neil and Mary Margaret Olohan.  

O’Neil joins the team as managing editor. Prior to his arrival with The Daily Signal, he worked as an editor with Fox News, helping manage coverage and drive traffic to Fox’s online platforms that secure billions of pageviews every year. He served as an editor at PJ Media and a reporter at the Christian Post. He is a graduate of Hillsdale College. In his role as managing editor, O’Neil will work with Editor-in-Chief Katrina Trinko to position The Daily Signal as a leading source of conservative policy analysis, commentary, and news. He will also manage day-to-day responsibilities of editors and reporters to develop more exclusive, investigative, and breaking news content.  

O’Neil is also a prolific writer and has extensive experience covering the radical Left’s attacks on faith-based and conservative groups. His book, “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” was published in 2020. Follow him on Twitter @Tyler2ONeil

“I am humbled to join the conservative juggernaut that is the Heritage Foundation, and excited to propel The Daily Signal to new heights,” said O’Neil. 

Olohan re-joins The Daily Signal as a senior reporter. In this role, Olohan will focus on securing scoops and exclusives, particularly on Heritage’s policy priorities, to help make The Daily Signal a must-read outlet where the news gets its news. She will also work closely with The Daily Signal’s Investigative Reporting Project to file FOIAs and pursue other investigative reporting opportunities in order to hold policymakers accountable through groundbreaking original reporting. She will focus on the culture war, political developments on Capitol Hill, and major public policy fights impacting Americans.  

Her previous reporting roles have included stints at the Daily Caller News Foundation and Daily Wire. She is a graduate of Catholic University of America. Follow her on Twitter @MaryMargOlohan.  

“I am thrilled to be re-joining The Daily Signal team to cover cultural and political issues as a senior reporter,” said Olohan. “The Daily Signal is uniquely positioned to hold lawmakers accountable, to share the stories the mainstream media hides or ignores, and to expose the realities of the culture wars informing today's politics—all precisely what Americans are seeking in this political environment.” 

The additions of O’Neil and Olohan come shortly after The Daily Signal added two other stellar reporters this summer. Samantha Renck joined the team as a senior news producer, and Gillian Richards was hired as The Daily Signal’s inaugural reporting fellow. Follow them @samantharenck and @gn_richards

Katrina Trinko, editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal, released the following statement on this announcement:  

“Our mission at The Daily Signal is to provide our readers with hard-hitting journalism, and do the work that many in the corporate media refuse to do. Tyler and Mary Margaret are going to be absolutely essential to successfully executing that mission. They have worked at some of the largest conservative media outlets in the country, delivering first-class content that has informed millions of Americans, put pressure on policymakers and influencers, and ensured accountability and transparency at all levels of government. I am so excited to bring their incredible talents onto the Daily Signal team, and I know they are going to accomplish incredible things. They will be ardent ambassadors for the First Amendment, and be a part of the most noble mission of all—upholding the American tradition of free speech, liberty, and self-government.”