Oversight Project Files Multiple Lawsuits After Biden Agency Obstruction

Oversight Project Files Multiple Lawsuits After Biden Agency Obstruction

Sep 22, 2022 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Oversight Project announced new lawsuits Thursday in response to the Biden administration’s failure to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests.

The Oversight Project filed suit against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for failure to comply with FOIA requests related to its issuance of an unlawful “technical assistance” document and meetings with far-Left outside groups and individuals.

The FOIA requests concern communications related to the agency’s development of an unlawful guidance document that sought to enforce woke rules for employers. This guidance would force Americans to comply with wishes of the radical transgender community.

The EEOC claimed it did not need to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act because the guidance was nonbinding. However, a federal judge disagreed with this interpretation and recently issued a temporary injunction halting the EEOC’s guidance.

In addition, the Oversight Project filed suit against the U.S. Department of Education, requesting all communications between senior education officials and the George Soros-funded group Governing for Impact.

The request comes after reports that the secretive group, which is backed by millions of dollars from leftist billionaire Soros, is working behind the scenes with the Biden administration to shape education policy and force radical ideology on children in the classroom.

Lindsey Burke, director of Heritage’s Center for Education Policy, made the following statement on the need for the FOIA request:

“This administration has made it clear that our nation’s students and their parents must submit to the whim of teachers unions and special interest groups, regardless of whether this improves education or, in many cases, causes student harm and poor education outcomes.

“It’s vitally important that Heritage hold the Department of Education responsible for its deceptive policy crafting and expose the many radical leftist groups that are pushing toxic policies on our schools.”

Oversight Project Director Mike Howell, who formerly served as Department of Homeland Security oversight counsel, added:

“The Left—which is bemoaning so-called ‘dark money’ in connection with the DISCLOSE Act—apparently has no problem with secret organizations using ‘dark money,’ as long as it advances their radical agenda. Frankly, the truth is that our government is run by shadowy radicals who are pushing their agenda on a compliant Biden administration.

“The Oversight Project is shining a light on dark money projects like Governing for Impact that write and push regulations on Americans from the shadows.”

Read the EEOC lawsuits here and here.

Read the Department of Education filing here.

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is aimed at increasing aggressive oversight of the Biden administration and the political and corporate enablers of the leftist regime.