Heritage Foundation Announces Policy Priority Rollout, Ad Campaign for 2022 and Beyond

Heritage Foundation Announces Policy Priority Rollout, Ad Campaign for 2022 and Beyond

Nov 10, 2022 3 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today announced the release of its full slate of conservative policy priorities for the new Congress and incoming state legislatures across the country.  

Those priorities include empowering parents to make education choices, securing our borders and reducing crime, ensuring free and fair elections, reversing the growth of spending and inflation, countering the Chinese Communist Party, holding Big Tech accountable, and protecting life and the family.  

These seven policy priorities will guide Heritage strategy and decision-making at both the federal and state level in the years to come, and the newly released slate of specific policy goals will give lawmakers a clear roadmap to follow in fighting for America’s future. Read the full list here

Heritage will also host incoming members of Congress this Sunday, Nov. 13, for a new-members orientation. This historically well-attended event will take place before members’ official congressional welcome and orientation Monday on Capitol Hill. 

Amidst the rollout of the policy roadmap and the work with new members, Heritage also announced the launch of a multimillion-dollar ad campaign focused on the urgency of the moment in which America finds itself, the opportunity for change and reform with the turnover in Congress, and how Heritage will help lead the movement to restore our prosperity and to get Americans back on their feet after the failed radicalism of the Biden administration and Pelosi-Schumer Congress. 

Heritage’s leadership is literally on display for members arriving at Reagan National Airport, and on the airwaves with a national television spot that aired on Fox News on election night and the day following the election on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” 

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts released the following statement on the rollout of the policy roadmap and Heritage’s new efforts to influence Capitol Hill:  

“This is a pivotal moment for our country. The American people are fed up with the 30-year-old Swamp see-saw. Democrats and Republicans continuously trading aimless majorities in listless Congresses has not improved everyday Americans’ lives. 


“Americans are worried about the direction of the country, and want leaders whom they can trust to get us back on track. Heritage will equip leaders at the federal and state level to implement policies that will right the ship and restore our greatness once again. That’s why we’re focused on this policy agenda, and why we are going to be working closely with new conservative members of Congress. This moment is too important for us to give anything less than everything we have. 


“Restoring America—fostering a return to self-governance—demands hard work and harder choices. The time to fight is now. 


“At a time when many Americans are desperate for bold leadership and fresh ideas, Heritage will serve as America’s outpost in our nation’s capital—representing the forgotten men and women, and ensuring policymakers deliver on the promises made to voters.” 

Read more about these initiatives at Fox News