Heritage President Blasts Senate Vote Undermining Religious Freedom

Heritage President Blasts Senate Vote Undermining Religious Freedom

Nov 16, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the following statement Wednesday after the U.S. Senate voted to proceed to consideration of the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act.

“Conservatives are deeply disappointed by the betrayal of Senate Republicans to protect Americans’ religious freedom and won’t soon forget the votes of the 12 Republican senators who cast aside an essential right in a bill that will weaponize the federal government against believers of nearly every major religion.

“There is still an opportunity for senators to correct their mistake before voting for final passage. Sen. Mike Lee has offered an amendment that provides religious liberty protections and addresses the bill’s most glaring problems. Conversely, the amendment proposed by Sen. Susan Collins offers no legal protections for the tax-exempt status of religious nonprofits, schools, and colleges who will be persecuted by the 87,000 new IRS agents President Biden wants to hire.

“All of us who believe in marriage must commit to defending this sacred institution as the bedrock of a flourishing civil society. It will be a litmus test for any aspirant for the White House in 2024.”