Kara Frederick: Hunter Biden Laptop Revelations Expose Big Tech as Left’s Censorship Regime

Kara Frederick: Hunter Biden Laptop Revelations Expose Big Tech as Left’s Censorship Regime

Dec 2, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Today, Elon Musk released documents showing Twitter willingly complied with the Biden campaign’s requests to single out and silence individual Americans. In addition, the “Twitter Files” indicate the company “freelanced” its decision to censor the New York Post’s coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop controversy. Kara Frederick, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Tech Policy Center, said:  

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Today’s revelations demonstrate once again that Big Tech is an ideological monopoly policing Americans’ speech. Big Tech’s control of information and access to the digital space undermines free speech, interferes in our elections, and jeopardizes U.S. national security.  


“Musk has done what lawmakers should have already accomplished: exposing Big Tech companies as foot soldiers of the progressive Left. When Americans believe the 2020 presidential election outcome would have changed given information deliberately hidden by the Left with the help of Big Tech, apologies from former Silicon Valley executives will not cut it.  


“Americans should not have to rely on billionaires to deliver this necessary transparency. Elected officials owe the people action to restore confidence in their ability to constrain Big Tech’s pernicious practices. It is past time for aggressive reforms and proper oversight to ensure that Big Tech is held accountable"

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