Heritage VP Praises Florida’s Commitment to Protect Life with Heartbeat Protection Act

Heritage VP Praises Florida’s Commitment to Protect Life with Heartbeat Protection Act

Apr 14, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis yesterday signed the Heartbeat Protection Act, which prohibits doctors from knowingly performing an abortion on a baby who has a detectable heartbeat.

Roger Severino, The Heritage Foundation’s vice president of domestic policy, released the following statement:

“With the Dobbs decision, the pro-life movement finally won the right to vote to protect innocent unborn babies from the violence of abortion. States across the country have responded to the will of the people and are saving thousands of unborn lives every day.

“The life movement is overjoyed to see Florida and Gov. Ron DeSantis defend mothers and babies. Protections for life at heartbeat or better is now a national trend that should be reflected by our national leaders in Congress and by every candidate running for president.

“Lawmakers who have campaigned with and depended on pro-life votes must now deliver on the full spectrum of pro-life policies, from defunding Planned Parenthood, to ending chemical abortion, to protecting beating hearts.”