Heritage Expert: House Vote Means More Economic Growth, Less Government Control

Heritage Expert: House Vote Means More Economic Growth, Less Government Control

Apr 26, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—House lawmakers tonight passed the Limit, Save, and Grow Act on a vote of 217-215. The package ties a federal debt limit increase with immediate reforms that reduce inflationary government deficits, bolster our economy and household budgets, and begin the work of dismantling the woke and weaponized bureaucracy.

Richard Stern, director of Heritage’s Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, released the following statement on the vote:

“House members made a commitment to protect the rights and freedoms of Americans against the abuses of the Biden regime. Their approach to the debt ceiling champions fiscally responsible and pro-growth reforms that have strong support from the American people.

“Most importantly, the Limit, Save, Grow Act believes in the power of the American people to build a brighter future. It would give American families more freedom and control over what they earn and produce so they can reclaim the prosperity denied us by the radical Left.

“Rather than giving Biden another blank check for inflationary reckless federal spending, House conservatives spearheaded a bill that puts American families ahead of special interests. It’s time for the Senate and White House to follow House Republican’s lead, end the madness, and stop holding the nation hostage.”