The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan Wins MRC’s Bulldog Award for Pro-Life Reporting

The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan Wins MRC’s Bulldog Award for Pro-Life Reporting

May 9, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Media Research Center today named Daily Signal senior reporter Mary Margaret Olohan as the 2023 recipient of the MRC Bulldog Award for outstanding blogger. Olohan is receiving the award in recognition for her work as a pro-life reporter.

The annual MRC Bulldog Awards honor conservatives in the media for their work to expose the truth and defend it.

“One of the country’s most connected and esteemed pro-life reporters, Mary Margaret Olohan has spent years accruing sources and cultivating relationships with Americans the liberal media ignore,” MRC wrote in its announcement Tuesday. “Olohan uses her platform to put a spotlight on causes related to the Catholic Church, culture, education, freedom, life, protecting children and defending the simple fact that men are men and women are women.”

MRC acknowledged Olohan for her work to chronicle the acts of violence against pro-life crisis pregnancy centers across the country and for giving voice to Mark Houck, a pro-life Catholic father who was targeted by the Biden Justice Department.

“Thank you to the Media Research Center for celebrating journalists committed to shining light on the truth! I am honored to receive this Bulldog Award in the company of such hard-working and fearless fellow writers and commentators,” Olohan said upon announcement of the award.

MRC is honoring Olohan alongside The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, WMAL’s Chris Plante, New York Post’s Karol Markowicz, Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok, and Washington Free Beacon’s Andrew Kerr.

“I'm thrilled to see Media Research Center honor Mary Margaret Olohan’s courageous reporting,” said Katrina Trinko, The Daily Signal’s editor-in-chief. “Whether it’s exposing the exploitation of minors by the transgender activists, highlighting the relentless intimidation of our Supreme Court justices by leftists, or showcasing the Justice Department’s targeting of a pro-life dad, Mary Margaret consistently delivers important scoops and news about the matters the left and corporate media tries the hardest to sweep under the rug.”

This is the second annual MRC Bulldog Awards. In announcing the 2023 winners, MRC President Brent Bozell said, “The Bulldog Award winners are trusted truth-tellers, unlike left-wing operatives who win Pulitzers. These are courageous individuals dedicated to informing Americans about stories the leftist media ignore. Congratulations to all!”