Alabama Billboards Thank Sen. Tommy Tuberville for Defending Life

Alabama Billboards Thank Sen. Tommy Tuberville for Defending Life

May 31, 2023 2 min read

Tuberville Billboard

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced the launch of a billboard and digital ad campaign Wednesday supporting Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s efforts to overturn the Defense Department’s taxpayer-funded abortion policy.

For months, Tuberville has objected to the Biden administration’s abortion agenda, vowing to block the promotions of military generals and flag officers until the Pentagon rescinds its policy allowing three weeks of paid leave and reimbursement of travel expenses for military personnel and dependents who are seeking an abortion. The new policy could lead to a massive increase in the annual number of abortions from approximately 20 to more than 4,000.

The billboards, which are strategically located in Huntsville, Montgomery, and near Fort Rucker in Alabama, carry a simple message: “Senator Tuberville, thank you for standing for life and against wokeness in the military.”

Heritage is also running a digital ad campaign encouraging everyday Americans and military veterans to sign a letter supporting Tuberville.

“There is no truth more profound than the fact that all human life is sacred,” the letter states. “The mission of the United States Military is to defend and protect all American lives—not subsidize the practice of destroying innocent and vulnerable American children via abortion with taxpayer dollars. By pledging to hold these nominations to the Department of Defense until administration officials reverse course, Senator Tuberville is doing a great service for the American people—including its service members.”

Despite multiple attempts by Senate Democrats to overcome Tuberville’s objections, the Alabama Republican remains steadfast in his efforts to rescind the Pentagon’s policy.

“It takes courage to stand up to the Washington establishment, and that’s exactly what Coach Tuberville is doing,” Heritage President Kevin Roberts said. “The Heritage Foundation is proud to stand alongside him and asks all U.S. senators to do the same until the Defense Department’s illegal abortion policy ends.”

Roberts and Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson were among the conservative pro-life leaders who signed a coalition letter supporting Tuberville in March. A public opinion survey in January conducted by the Marist Poll and commissioned by the Knights of Columbus revealed that 54% of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.