Dr. Kevin Roberts to Address World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

Dr. Kevin Roberts to Address World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

Jan 9, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America President Dr. Kevin Roberts will join the World Economic Forum's “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration?” on Jan. 18 at 10:15 a.m. EST. Dr. Roberts released the following statement today on the invitation to attend the globalist sleepaway camp in Davos:  

“For too long, hypocritical self-avowed Marxists, private-jet environmentalists, and genocide-adjacent humanitarians who descend on Davos for their annual globalist sleepaway camp have wielded their power and influence to fuel their lives of luxury while ordinary people suffer.  


“No serious person believes that the global elite’s grand moral stands over the last generation—bowing to China, erasing borders, worshipping climate extremism—just so happened to directly serve their class interests at the expense of ordinary people’s democratic sovereignty and economic opportunity.  


“And now, they want to hear from The Heritage Foundation how they can ‘rebuild trust’ with everyday Americans against whom they have weaponized their institutions.  


“We need the freedom to govern ourselves; to usher the Davoisie into early retirement. Those attending the World Economic Forum need to hear this message. And that’s why I’m going to Davos.“

In a Blaze exclusive,⁠Why I Am Going to Davos, Dr. Roberts expands on why he’s attending the World Economic Forum. A virtual press conference with Dr. Roberts will follow the address on Jan. 18, details forthcoming. 

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