Heritage Expert Responds to Big Tech CEOs Failure to Protect Kids Online

Heritage Expert Responds to Big Tech CEOs Failure to Protect Kids Online

Jan 31, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—CEOs of Meta, X, TikTok, Discord, and Snap testified today before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where they were questioned about their failure to protect children online.  

Kara Frederick, director of the Tech Policy Center at The Heritage Foundation, commented on today’s hearing:  

“This hearing is taking place against the backdrop of mounting evidence of a direct link between social media and negative mental health impacts on children and teenagers. A 2023 study by University of North Carolina neuroscientists found that habitual social media use may be rewiring the brains of children as young as 12 years old. Similarly, a March 2022 study by Cambridge University discovered a direct relationship between increased social media use and a decrease in life satisfaction in young adolescents. While these studies show alarming trends, we also know the real-life consequences from talking with parents who have seen firsthand the effects of social media on their own children. This hearing is an important step toward accountability and solutions, especially as companies target younger and younger users. Insulating our children from the predations of Big Tech and empowering parents to fight back must be a top priority.” 

The Heritage Foundation continues to prioritize holding Big Tech accountable. This hearing highlighted the need for Congress and even state lawmakers to establish a robust policy framework to keep kids safe online. 

As the nation’s largest, most broadly supported conservative research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation has been leading the American conservative movement since our founding in 1973. The Heritage Foundation reaches more than 10 million members, advocates, and concerned Americans every day with information on critical issues facing America.  
