Biden Administration Will Declare War on U.S. Drivers with New EPA Emissions Standards

Biden Administration Will Declare War on U.S. Drivers with New EPA Emissions Standards

Mar 19, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment Director Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Heritage Action Executive Vice President Ryan Walker released the following statements ahead of new passenger vehicle standards that will drastically limit gas car production expected Wednesday from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):   

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director, Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment and Herbert and Joyce Morgan Fellow in Energy and Environmental Policy:  

“This rule will hurt working-class Americans, small businesses, and farmers by effectively banning the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles in America—while having practically no effect on global temperatures. Despite subsidies and tax credits, electric vehicles are only 7% of new car sales, primarily bought by higher earners as an additional vehicle. EVs are unsuitable for most Americans because they are more expensive, take two hours to recharge, and they lose power and range when it’s cold, as many saw last winter. It is not social justice for the Biden administration to take away affordable transportation that gets people to work, to school, and on vacation with their families—it’s irresponsible.” 

Ryan Walker, executive vice president, Heritage Action:  

“Using unreasonable regulations to force gas-powered vehicles out of the market hurts hardworking families who are already struggling to afford groceries and utilities because of Biden’s policies. This rule will make cars and everyday travel even more expensive for those families while increasing our dependence on our number one adversary: China. Americans have had enough. More than 246,000 people fought back during the public comment period—including thousands of Heritage Action’s grassroots partners—and told the government that Biden’s out-of-touch energy policies are making life more difficult and less affordable. He should listen to the people and abandon this rule.”