Heritage Experts: The Court’s Decision Lets the FDA Continue Manipulating Its Safety Rules, Harming Women and Girls


Heritage Experts: The Court’s Decision Lets the FDA Continue Manipulating Its Safety Rules, Harming Women and Girls

Jun 13, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court, by focusing on the legal procedures of standing, today upheld in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) actions in 2016 and 2021 to drop virtually all safety precautions for obtaining and using chemical abortion drugs.  

The Heritage Foundation’s Thomas Jipping, a senior legal fellow, and Melanie Israel, a visiting fellow, made the following statement: 

“Today's decision is not the final judgment on the safety or effectiveness of mifepristone, which we know is unsafe for women and causes up to 1 in 22 women to end up in the emergency room.  

“While legal technicalities might allow Biden’s FDA to continue manipulating its safety rules to push a pro-abortion agenda at the expense of health and common sense, women and girls taking these chemical abortion drugs are still in danger and largely left to fend for themselves.  

“Policymakers should be on the side of women’s safety by, at a minimum, demanding that the FDA follow its own original safety guidelines, not give abortion drugs a pass because of radical abortion ideology.”